Local session management

VLVA allows to save the work session and restore it later. The session is a folder containing a JSON configuration file and all the files required to resume the visual analysis operations.

Saving a session

The session includes:

  • the image layers and their settings (color palette, scale, transparency level, whether or not they are visualized);

  • compact sources (color, whether or not they are visualized);

  • filaments (color, whether or not they are visualized);

  • datacube windows and their settings (threshold, cutting plane and contours values).

To save the session, from the 2D visualization window go to menu File ‣ Save session and then select an empty folder on the local disk. If you try to save a previously loaded or already saved session, the tool will ask whether to overwrite the current session or save it in a separate folder.

Loading a session

To load a session, from the Main Window go to menu File ‣ Load session and then select the session.json file inside a session folder. VLVA will restore the status of the work session as it was saved.